Sunday, November 04, 2007

making do

My internet connection is not working at my apt, but it's NaBloPoMo. Hell if I'm going to be sacked this early in the game! I'm typing this on the incredibly small Blackberry keyboard.

Prepared a pot roast this morning, anticipating having my boss and his family over for dinner. It made me a little late running out the door to church, but I totally forgot about the time change! Instead of being 10 minutes late, I was 50 minutes early!

Later, my boss called to say his youngest daughter was vomiting and they had to cancel. Of course I completely understand, but I made a lot of food for just me! I've invited my neighbor Bobby to come join me.


Anonymous said...

Hi There, I'm a regular reader and just wanted to say congrats on being such a brave woman.....I enjoy reading about your entries. You are so Courageous, I can't even imagine going out to dinner alone!! ;) Take care of yourself in that big city......

Anonymous said...

Good job at posting for the day so as not to let the side down.

Vetmommy said...

Wish we could've helped you finish off that roast!

Anonymous said...

Oops, what a crazy, mixed up day but sounds like you made the most of it afterall. I'll bet that pot roast was yummy - can you freeze it????
Love, M