Monday, January 07, 2008

What's New in My World

Man, the weekend FLEW by! I didn't get everything done that I had planned (like taking down the Christmas tree...ah, maybe tonight), and I'm exhausted. That could partially be due to the noisy construction at Ground Zero.

Since I came back from Austin at Christmas, they've been doing the pounding noise from 5 a.m. until 3 a.m. the next basically, I have two hours of quiet a night. I've called the local community board and was told that since it's a Port Authority project, the Community Board has no sway over them. The only good news she could tell me is that it is only supposed to be another month.

So I've figured out that if I have my air/heater unit on Vent, my small oscillating fan on, and my white noise machine on as loud as possible, I can't really hear the pounding. Of course, then I hardly notice when my alarm goes off either. :-)

In other news, I've joined WW again. No, not Worldwide Wrestling...Weight Watchers. Inspired by my cousin Paula's success, I've decided to give them another go. I stocked up on the veggies and made some chili last night with lean meat and lots of good vegetables. While washing out the cans for recycling, I sliced the crap out of my right index finger. I haven't cut myself that badly in awhile. It made a bloody mess of the kitchen, and I had to put a tight bandage and hold it above my head to get it to stop bleeding. Curses! Everytime I touch it on something, it starts to bleed again. Typing doesn't feel too great either.

On a happy note, one of the girls I met at New Year's invited me out to the movies on Sunday afternoon. It was so nice to have a friend to do something with! We saw Atonement. Wow. Powerful movie, great acting.


mainlyclearskies said...

Ouch for your finger - I hope you didn't need stitches.

I did WW too. It worked for me. Good luck!

Vetmommy said...

Curses! That's a great swear word. I'll have to store that one away.

Unknown said...

ha ha I thought curses was a good online grumble too. Sorry about your digit. The noise issue is getting to be unbearable, huh? Hey, what about those Bose headphones for your noise reduction? But then, that wouldn't solve the hearing-the-alarm-in-the-morning issue...hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

Be more careful.
Good luck on the reduction effort.
Why don't you post a 'before' pic and then check in with us weekly with follow ups so we can see the progress?

Only kidding.

paula said...

Oh Em, the finger thing sounds very painful! Also, I couldn't handle all that noise all the time and I know how you need your sleep. Good luck with the WW, are you doing Points or Core? XX

Anonymous said...

It seems I get more papercuts in the winter than any other time - yesterday I got 2 so I am with you there! OUCH - OUCH

WW is a great way to launch your new course - and all those healthy fruits and veggies will surely help. :)

Love you, M

Anonymous said...

But of course you got a much deeper cut than paper, sorry for being so insensitive - make sure you keep it clean so it heals quickly.

Sorry, Em Em,