Thursday, January 10, 2008

Detoxifying Seaweed

Steph gave me a very generous gift card to Bliss Spa, and I decided to use half of it to try their Deep Sea Detox, which is described as "firming oil, lymph drainage, French marine seaweed hot pack and stimulating shower combo in this relaxing and detoxifying wrap simultaneously slims, remineralizes, relaxes and hydrates." A friend and I who are starting off the new year with a diet agreed to go together and kick off our weight loss with a good detox.

It's not a treatment for the modest. They give you one of those lovely disposable thongs to wear, and that's it. The therapist first massaged my limbs with an aromatic essential oil blend to stimulate the lymph. She then slathered on their Fat Girl Slim cream on my thighs. Then I was coated all over with the seaweed mud and wrapped in a mylar foil blanket and a heated blanket like a burrito. To make sure I was warm enough (!) she piled four or five blankets on top of me and left me to "bake" (her word) for 15 minutes. I got uncomfortably hot, but she said that's what I'm supposed to do. She unwrapped me and brought a body-long collection of shower heads over me to rinse off the muck. It felt kinda weird, showering laying down, naked except for a flimsy material below in front of this woman. She finished me off with more Fat Girl Slim cream for my thighs and a body butter cream for my arms. I felt very soft.

I'm down about a pound this morning (had to check!) and the treatment was very relaxing. Let's hope it kicks everything into gear!


Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds intense! I was worried you were going to say you had a reaction to the seaweed. I once had a seaweed wrap on my feet during a pedicure and I couldn't take it - I started itching and swelling. So glad you did not inherit that!

I think the detox idea is a good one. Continued success with your resolution!

Love you, M

Anonymous said...

So how did it help with the little dimples us women in our mid 30's know and love? It would be so great if there was an easy fix for that...

Unknown said...

Sounds very rigorous for a spa treatment. I think I had visions of you being relaxed and soothed, not hotflashed and splashed. hmm, well good of you to try something new. Fat Girl Slim is such a fantastic name for a lotion, n'est ce pas?

mainlyclearskies said...

Sounds interesting. I've never tried anything like that before - always stuck w/ the basic massage.

paula said...

Woooohh!!! Sounds very shall we say "interesting", great that you dropped another pound though. Keep up with the excellent work Em.

Emily said...

No, it didn't eliminate my cellulite, although they claim that their products and services can with regular use.