Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Crazy Yankees

We're having a bit of balmy Dallas-like weather in NY this week, and today's high is supposed to be around 66*. So I was stunned to see so many of my fellow NYers still wrapped up in their puffy coats, Ugg boots, scarves and hats! I eschewed any winter gear today and instead chose to wear a bright orange dress jacket that was a gift from Steph. I would be sweating up a storm if I dressed like most of the people I've seen. I've been surprised ever since it started getting slightly cooler in November how much people have wrapped up. I agree it was needed on those days when we had a bitter wind and high of 15*, but it almost seemed as if people were wearing their winter gear because of the calendar, rather than the weather forecast. Perhaps they don't watch the weather news.

In Dallas, I remember longing for cooler weather and the chance to perhaps wear a cotton sweater without feeling suffocated. And on one trip to England in the spring, when we still felt chilled and needed a light jacket, I remember seeing hopeful Brits striding around in shorts. So it seems odd to me that NYers, who should be accostumed to a proper winter, seem so cold-natured.


Vetmommy said...

I have noticed that phenomenon too, that people with very defined seasons seem to set their wardrobes by the calendar, not by the weather report as we do!

I also remember Janne saying, "I have noticed the clothing I wear in the morning is not appropriate later in the day."

paula said...

Ah yes, the good old UK in particular Runcorn whereby as soon as it turns April people tend to wear shorts and vests with their purple blotched hairy legs showing and that's just the women.

Anonymous said...

I remember looking through the fashion magazines at the end of summer before school started in my high school years...longing to wear sweaters and boots...but often the first few months of school were shorts and t-shirt weather...Still I would not trade my warm winter days for fashion! Today's forecast "Plentiful sunshine high 63F"