Monday, December 03, 2007

What I Did Last Weekend

This weekend, I got even more into the holiday spirit with candy making. Yes, it's the annual Tiger Chocolate fest, taking these ingredients:

And turning them into slabs of swirled candy:

I made four batches, and my fridge smells of chocolate and peanut butter. I really can't stand the smell. I've been making this for so long and in such large quantities that it holds no sway over me.

On Sunday, when I finally decided to roll out of bed, I found it had snowed! Our first for the year. Here's what it looked like out my windows:

The church here is not the one I go to. This is St. Paul's, the church across from Ground Zero that was miraculously unharmed by all the devastation that day. The snow-covered field is actually a cemetery, with many tombstones dating back to the 1800's.

I did get together with girlfriends this weekend, but there was no spa day. I unfortunately had the wrong's NEXT Sunday, and I won't be able to join them then. However, I had fun on Friday and even met two new friends, single girls in their 30's like me that reassured me NYC is the best place for single professional women to be. Then I met up with Jenna at a bar that made me feel really old! I swear everyone in there was 13 years younger than me. (Jenna is 10 years younger than me.)

On Saturday, I went to the Spotted Pig, an English pub inspired place that is so popular, the wait for dinner was 3 1/2 hours! Fortunately, I knew about this ahead of time and had a snack before I left the house. It was a cute place with lots of good-looking people. I met my friend L, her boss and her boss's friends. Actually, I was the only American! L and another girl are Canadian, the boss was Australian, and her friend was visiting from England. We had a nice evening, although I didn't think the food was worth the long wait.


Anonymous said...

Yikes, it looks cold!! Hope you are keeping warm.
Love, M

Anonymous said...

Goodies look yummy - are you going to post the recipe?