Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mornings are Not my Best Time

Rushing around this morning, I was getting a Mucinex tablet out of the container (still have a little residual chest congestion) and it bounced out of my hand and into the cat's water bowl! Ack! I'm not going to take that one now, but obviously won't let my sweet Sabrina drink that. Can you even imagine giving a cat an expectorant? They are so prone to expectorating fur already.

Then I decided to open my new ear covers (like ear muffs without the middle bar to crush your hair). The package was difficult to open, and when it did succumb to my pulling it apart, one ear cover flew out and fell right into the freshly cleaned cat water!

Did I mention I'm a bit of a klutz?


Anonymous said...

Too Funny!!!
Love, M

Unknown said...

Your dressing and my baking would make quite the molotov cocktail these days, huh?

peevish said...

I inadvertently throw things All. The. Time! SO don't feel like the Lone Ranger.