Tuesday, December 04, 2007

My Thoughts While Walking This A.M.

The snow from Sunday (pictured below) is already gone, but today as I walked to the subway through the park, there were flurries flying around. I felt like I was in a snow globe! Nothing is sticking at the moment, but we are supposed to get more snow tomorrow. (Most NYers aren't excited by this, but I am!)

As I walked from the subway to my office, I noticed how many people in the throng in front of me haven't cut their X-stitch from the rear pleat in their coat. Don't they realize it's there? Don't they know the coat would move a lot better without it? I almost think about walking around with a pair of scissors in my coat pocket, surreptiously snipping through those X-stitches!


Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how many times I have thought the same thing - only here in Texas, I see it a lot in the kick pleat of straight skirts! I can't believe no one ever told these people about such things!

We missed you today at the "TEA" today. Wasn't the same without your sweet smiling face - maybe next year.

Love you, M

mainlyclearskies said...

I'm with you on the coat/stitch situation. And the skirts (from the other commenter). Don't people realize this? Or doesn't the sales person tell them?

Unknown said...

Aah... Snow in NYC - does it get any better?!