Thursday, December 06, 2007

Cold, Cold, Cold!'s cold outside!

I've actually been coping with the cold weather fairly well. Everyone here expects me to be a sissy, coming from warm Texas, but after so many years of heat, it's nice to have the seasons really change. I'm also enjoying all my new accessories: gloves, hats, scarves, and coats!

Tuesday and Wednesday we had snow flurries. Yesterday's were blowing sideways from the wind. But nothing has really stuck. Today, the sun is out, and I always enjoy seeing it when it appears here.

Today is the coldest day we've had so far: the high is only going to get to 35*F (1*C for you Brits). Right now with the wind chill, it feels like 12*F (-11*C)!

My only complaint has been the dryness and the toll it is taking on my hands and lips. I'm religiously using hand cream and lip balms, but it's a constant fight.


Anonymous said...

So how is the new coat keeping you warm??? Glad you are enjoying the cold north. I remember you in Cincinnati - oh, you did not like the cold then. Keep bundled up!
Love you, M

Unknown said...

u sound v happy these last few entries. yeah for u Em. keep the sights and smells of your xmas in ny coming!

ColeBugsmommy said...

Snow flurries, how lovely! I can't wait to take Cole to see the snow some day.

get2eric said...

You didn't like the cold in St Louis either. But you did like making snow angels and running back into the house and getting warm. You wouldn't stay out for long in the cold unless it was for sledding and even then you would be anxious to leave for home. We had a terrific sled run in CVG.