Monday, December 24, 2007

Twas the Night Before Christmas...

The children are all snuggled in their beds with visions of stuffed stockings and multiple presents from Santa in their heads!

I'm with my sister, bro-in-law, niece Anna and nephew Colin for Christmas. We had a delicious midday meal of Mexican food, and then Jenn and I walked with the kids to the local Methodist church for an interactive telling of the Christmas story. (The storyteller had the congregation respond with sound effects for particular words. Like, "Ba-a-a" for sheep and "No room! No room!" for innkeeper.) When we got home, Anna excitedly wrote Santa a note and recited all nine of the reindeer names for us, insisting that we leave nine carrots for them along with the milk and cookies for Santa.

Should be a fun-filled morning of unwrapping frenzy and whoops of joy from the kids!


Unknown said...

gotta love the nine carrots!

woof what fun to celebrate with small children!

Anonymous said...

EMILY..thank you for your card which we received today. x I didn't have your new address now I have..:o) hope to see you in June 2008 should be lots of fun..I told U.Ken make sure he is still with us (he laughed) xx I have the job of getting everyone of the Clan mean feat!