Monday, August 01, 2005

The words I've been longing to hear

On Friday, I actually dressed up for work. (We have a very casual environment where flip-flops and t-shirts are perfectly acceptable, although I actually don't wear either of those to work.) The president and senior VP were taking the presentation team for that big pitch we recently won out to lunch at Nobu, the most talked-about highly regarded Japanese restaurant currently in Dallas. We weren't told beforehand where we were going, just told to be "well-dressed."

So I actually wore a skirt and heels. (My feet were screaming at me by the end of the day, but hey, I looked good.)

My VP said to me, "Have you been losing weight?"

Ah...such a nice thing to say!

(By the way, the food was incredible.)


Anonymous said...

Hate wearing heels. Think I left the corporate world because of that and panty hose!

Anonymous said...

How nice of your VP to give you such a lovely compliment -- especially after your previous post! I'll bet you looked simply MARVELOUS! Love, M

Anonymous said...

I hate heels too,, So much that I NEVER wear them at all!
But, that was an encouraging question even if you hadn't made gains, I mean headway.

Vetmommy said...

Sounds like a great meal and a great day!

Unknown said...

Ahhh.... Forget the "3 little words." The magic 4 ("have you lost weight?") are SO much more potent!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good then ,Emily :o)and you look fab. in heels and flip flops haha.