Wednesday, July 27, 2005

You know you need to lose weight when...

I was reading someone else's blog, and it reminded me of this story.

A couple years ago, when Rod and I were together, we went down to Austin to visit my sister Jennifer and her family. Jenn and Anthony are very frugal, and they also don't make big decisions or big purchases quickly. Anthony is very diligent in researching options and looking for the best price of things.

They have a kitchen dinette set that they have had for at least 8 years. It was perfect for them when they were a newly married couple, but after a couple kids and the MIL's dog scratching the top, let's just say they could do better. I have done my part to try and encourage a new purchase...

So we were all sitting around at their table, Jenn, Anth, little Anna, Rod and me, enjoying a delicious home-cooked meal by Jenn and some tasty wine. (I think this was before Colin was born.) All of the sudden, we hear a loud cracking noise, and I feel the seat beneath me giving way. There I am on the floor with the chair I had been occupying now split under me. My ass hurt, but my pride hurt more. Jenn exclaimed, "Are you ok?" but the guys just couldn't stop laughing. Now there were only 5 chairs.

Fast forward to a couple weekends ago when I was down there visiting and participating in the race with Jenn. They have such a cozy house, and it's so nice to sit around the table with a whole family...very different than my usual meal of take-out or leftovers in front of the TV. There we were, sitting around the table, unprepared for the CRACK! Oh no, not again! Oh, yes...the chair beneath me cracked and crashed to the floor. Anthony busted out laughing while I was saying, "Not again! Not again!" I can't believe with all the people who have sat at that table on those same chairs, only I have broken not one, but TWO! As I've posted before, I've really been struggling with my weight, and this is VERY disheartening.

Part martyr, part able-to-laugh-at-myself, the next day, Anna wanted to sit in the chair I had brought in from the other room (not one of the original set). I told her it was ok, but then I would have to sit in her chair (one of the originals). And I said to her, "You know what happens when Auntie Emily sits in those chairs..." And she soberly replied, "Yeah. They break."

So now there are 4...


Anonymous said...

That's funny Em, and an amazing coincidence.

Vetmommy said...

Hey, that dinette is at least 11 years old, not 8, and is made of exotic AND environmentally friendly rubberwood!

Yes, we are mortified that our chairs broke under a guest. I guess we've been sitting lightly, in anticipation.

Sorry, Em Em

Unknown said...

Oh Emily, you know it takes a lot to make me laugh out loud (silent laughers that we are)...I just want you to know the way you wrote that had me doing the silent jiggle giggle complete with stomach pain and tears in eyes. So funny, so self deprecating.

I guess an "aunt" can move a rubbertree plant!

Jessica said...

I was wondering what happened to the other chair? lol. Aww, don't feel bad. The same thing happened to me in our dining room. Except our furniture is about 50 years old. (Ok, that was an exaggeration.) Don't feel bad. Everyone breaks a chair some how or another at least once in their life. You just got lucky and had it happen to you twice! This could mean good luck for you! lol.