Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Don't feel like being seen in public

I've been travelling for work the past couple days. A group of us left on Sunday night and returned home late last night. Although I'd met this client before, you always want to present yourself in the best possible manner.

So when I noticed a nasty zit right in the entrance of my right nostril on Sunday night, I wasn't thrilled. Besides being terribly painful, it made half my nose really red. And I definitely didn't want anyone to mistake it for a booger.

Monday night, I was equally disappointed to find a NEW nasty zit between my eyes at the top of my nose. (It's not equidistant between my eyes, more to the right side.) It's also very painful, and now I'm concerned that everyone is looking at IT rather than looking into my eyes.

To round it all out, I have a nervous habit of picking my nails to bits. It's a life-long habit that I have tried to break numerous times. Actually, I think as a child, I bit my nails, now I just pick at them. So, during these all-day meetings, my nails and cuticles suffered. Monday was the left hand, and Tuesday was the right.

I'm a mess. Glad to be home, but I wish it was cold enough to wear a ski mask and gloves all day long to hide my glaring imperfections.


Anonymous said...

I hate when stuff like that happens. It's just from stress, but then it adds stress, so it's all counterproductive.

I know exactly what you mean!

Vetmommy said...

I'm sure your cat was happy to see you, zits and all!

Unknown said...

It's unavoidable. Big meeting, big party, first date... There will be zits. It's like the law, or something. I just wish I knew who to complain to.

Unknown said...

I always find that 5 minutes of makeup free time in the sunshine (you can wear uv block if you are worried about the cancer aspect) helps, but really time is the only true healer -- of zits and other things.
And I pick my cuticles, too. So lately I try to get all the rough corners off with a cuticle trimmer after my shower. That helps, but if I find the slightest little nub during the course of the day, I pick at it.

I ditto your mess. Right now I have a big wound on my foot from dropping a rotary iron on it, a giant bruise on my thigh (occupational hazard involving a carousel dolphin) and a burn on my inner forearm (again, occupational hazard)

Maybe it's just me, but I am the biggest clutz WITH zits whenever I'm pms'ing.