Thursday, August 18, 2005

Things my sister wanted to know about me

My sister Jenn is a very talented writer, in addition to being a great mom and wonderful veterinarian. I check her blog daily to read the latest about my niece and nephew or her work or just life in general. So, when she recently wrote about getting a meme (in the blogger world, a meme is like a theme passed from blog to blog) and solicited requests to be interviewed, I naively accepted the challenge.

The following are her questions and my answers.

1) If you could go back and change your birth order, would you? What would you pick?

You're trying to goad me here...I know it. Based on the old home movies of my reaction when little sister Stephanie was brought home from the hospital, I'm guessing I would have been happy being the baby. I've never really given this much thought. I read The Birth Order Book and found it very interesting, but of the many times I've wished I could go back and change something in my life, this isn't in the top 100. I try to learn from what I've been given (middle child) and use that positively.

2) If you could relocate to any other city, and your friends and family would still be close, and you'd still have a great job, what city would you choose?

I'm not sure exactly, but I know it would be on the coast. I just love the water. It speaks to my soul and makes me feel calm. Of the coastal cities I've been to, possible options would include Seattle, San Francisco, or San Diego.

3) What is one of your happiest childhood memories?

Sitting around the dining room table with my family and singing songs to Daddy's guitar playing after dinner. I remember when Daddy was teaching us harmony, and we were all singing "Dreams" by the Everly Brothers. Mommy sang one part with Jenn and Steph, and Daddy and I were singing the other part. I kept getting swayed to sing with the other girls, and we'd begin again. Then suddenly, it just clicked, and I could hear the other part but still sing my part. I love the sounds of harmony and our whole family singing together.

4) Describe an ideal first date.

First, a description by what it's not: none of the first dates I've ever been on. To me, a first date is awkward, both people trying to figure each other out and impress the other. An ideal first date would be with the ideal person: someone with whom you feel comfortable being yourself, where conversation flows easily and you find yourself laughing often. I would like a slow dinner in a restaurant that's not too noisy, so you don't have to shout to be heard or strain to hear what he's saying. And if there's chemistry, which on the ideal date there would be, end the evening with plans to see each other again and a short kiss.

5) What is your favorite physical attribute?

Of myself? Probably my eyes or my lips. Although as we age, our lips pale in color and wrinkle and get thin, so I'm sticking with the eyes. Even though the skin around them changes with age, your eyes are the "windows to the soul" from birth to death. I like that I have large, hazel eyes. They occasionally change color, like when I cry, they get really green.

Okay, that's it! Now, who's next?
Want an interview of your own? Instructions:

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying “Interview me.” You must leave your blog address so I can think of good questions for you! Caveat: Offer is limited to the first 5 responders with a blog.

2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person’s will be different. I’ll post the questions in the comments section of this post.

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


Unknown said...

Feeling like the lil sis here, oh wait, I am the lil sis. Please pick me, pretty please? Jenn hasn't responded to my request. I feel so left out. [mopey mopey me face]

I like your answers, btw, very good interview! I have always loved the way you sing alto. My voice isn't quite soprano, and isn't quite alto. Guess I am the middle sister in that sense, huh? I love hearing you harmonize. Love it love it. Especially at Christmas. When I sing hymns I always think of you and wish I could "pop" on over a third like you do so effortlessly.

Vetmommy said...

Oh, poor Steph, her comment didn't get posted and she feels left out!

Hey, great answers, I really enjoyed them (but I wasn't trying to get you to pick btw me and Steph on the birth order question, I just knew you thought that book was interesting and wanted your opinion).

Anonymous said...

I liked that interview, Em! Love ya-Bevie-

Anonymous said...

Great interview - I always learn so much! Love, M

Emily said...

Questions for Stephanie, aka edamamemommy:
1. What’s your favorite childhood memory?
2. What surprised you the most about having children?
3. Where do you want to retire?
4. Who would you put on your “List” (like on Friends, the 5 famous people you would have sex with if given a chance with your partner's permission)?
5. What’s the wildest, most outrageous or adventurous thing you’ve ever done (or hope to do)?

Vetmommy said...

I just reread my comments regarding Steph and I sounded sarcastic but I really meant them sincerely. Too bad you can't hear voice tone over the internet.

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily,

Hazel eyes are fab mine do exactly the same thing as yours ... how bizarre is that!! Love Cousin Paula X

Anonymous said...

Ok, Emily...Im up for the challenge..Interview me.

I would put my blog address, but I dont want to offend any minors that may be present...

Hope you and your family are well.:)

ChrisMoose said...

Emily... regarding question 4 about the date... IT WILL HAPPEN!! I promise! It happened to me almost 2 years ago... quiet restaurant, slow dinner.. got there at 6, they threw us out at 10:30, instantly comfortable with each other, etc etc etc... except the kiss lasted half an hour! We are planning on making this a lifetime thing! I love him more than my catz!

It will happen... keep wading thru the frogs!
