Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Nonchalant, but Momentous, Occasion

With a profession in law enforcement and national security, as well as above average intelligence, Fly Boy prides himself on being a good judge of character. I don't doubt it, as he has to make split second decisions in his line of work that can literally mean life or death to himself or his men.

Because he trusted me and meeting the 'rents had gone so well, FB thought I should meet the other generation, too -- his "girlios." I was much more nervous about this prospect than he was. The girlios -- aged 8, 5, and 4 -- had met his previous girlfriend, and since FB and his ex have such a great relationship, the girls didn't seem at all concerned that their dad was with another woman. But still, their pint-sized bodies held steely glances as they regarded me during that initial introduction.

I am good with kids. Always have been. But I still felt nervous and realized the momentousness of this occasion, even thought I appreciated Fly Boy's casualness about the meeting. Would they like me? What if they didn't? FB introduced me to them, and they immediately asked -- as he predicted -- what about the previous girlfriend? He explained they were now just friends, and the girls seemed more concerned that they wouldn't see the ex-girlfriend's kids than her. They asked if I had kids (looking for playmates), but the answer that I had one elderly cat seemed less than ideal.

I tried to make small talk, asking how old they were (even though I already knew), complimenting their earrings, and asking what they were playing. Their responses were mono-syllabic. I tried not to panic. The middle girl appraised me and stated, "You look like my mommy."

"Oh, really?" I replied with what I hoped was a calm voice, while wondering if FB had truly just chosen me because I looked like his type. "Yes," she said, "But with a different face." I laughed, realizing she was looking at my adult woman body. She later followed that observation with another -- that my butt is like her mom's: big -- while she has a small butt. (I am taking this as a purely proportional assessment: child vs adult.)

We all got into his truck and drove to dinner. The middle child (I am also the middle of three girls) announced she had a song for us. Her original, spontaneous composition started with "Daddy has a new girlfriend" and also had a verse which included "First, Daddy had Mommy as a girlfriend, then he had Miss B___ as a girlfriend, and now he has Miss Emily as a girlfriend." It was sweet and funny. The other girls joined in.

After dinner, the littlest one climbed up into my lap and snuggled in with her head under my chin. She looked up at me and declared, "You're snuggly." My heart melted a bit as I told her she was too.

The oldest one wrote me a sweet note the next day, stating I was one of her favorite people. And, she conspiratorially whispered to me, "I KNOW Daddy's going to marry you because when he introduced you to us, he said 'I really, really like her' and he never said that about Miss B___." I thanked her for the intel.

And so, I have three new little friends in Austin. Before I met them, I had a conversation with Fly Boy that I wasn't quite ready to use the title "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" yet. But when the oldest asked her dad -- when he first introduced me -- "Is she a friend or a girlfriend?" FB and I locked eyes and I gave him a quick nod. They are so innocent and sweet, and like them, I am focusing on living in the moment.


Anonymous said...

Is this a little fast? L, M

Emily said...

Ah, there you are! I thought it was odd you hadn't commented before, M. :-)

It's not fast if you consider I've been working towards this for so long. I'm in a really great place in my life, sure of who I am and what I want. And FB is in a similar position in his life and development.

But I'm not in a hurry to make a commitment other than exclusively dating. And I'm just really enjoying the moment!

Anonymous said...

Go for it,Emily...sounds fast but GOOD!! as you know Children are very perceptive and so you have no worries there :) they will know that you are a lovely person...and he has only been married once!

Julie said...

oh la la

I agree with the fast concerns, but I also think grab it with both hands.. whatever this is, its fab, so why the hell not! We've all had enough crap.. lets have some good stuff please!


Shimmed said...

Yikes! That date sounded harrowing.

Emily said...

A. Norma: Actually, he's been married twice, but so have I...

Julie: Yes! So refreshing for a change.

Shimmed: I may have exaggerated for dramatic effect, but it all ended well.

Anonymous said...

Really too fast? I told my parents after my 1st date with my now husband that we were going to get married.....He met them on our 2nd date...just how my family is.....I wouldn't have it any other way......I believe that you know it immediately......and can feel that connection!! We are celebrating 10 years of marriage next month!! I only wish you the best Emily! Sounds like a keeper!

I wonder if he ran your name, to see if you were "ok" My hubby's family is in the FBI I know my stuff got ran after we met! LOL!!

I myself also have 3 girls......1 6 year old and twin girls born in January......soooo fun!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Emily,

lots of people will tell you its really quick and maybe it is. A number of years ago I met a girl and few weeks later we were living together. We got married and had a son together. You know her as Paula.
The thing about life is you can spend your whole time living by rules and regs do this, dont do that but in the end you've got to go with your gut feeling and live with the repurcussions good or bad. It worked for me. I hope it works out for you. x

Unknown said...

Awh, I love Richard's comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emily said...

Trisha: Thanks for sharing. I never thought it could feel like this, and I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it. But it certainly feels good.

Richard: Wow. Thank you for commenting and sharing that. You know how much I love Paula, and I'm so happy for you both. I hope it works out for me, too. :-)

EdamameMommy: Me too!

paula said...

So happy for you (both), love you too sweetpea XXX

Small Town Girl said...

Hey Em... read thisjust now...
All I can say is I am keeping my fingers crossed....
We have seen too much rubbish and it is our turn to feel good... so why not ?
Go ahead.... I wish you all the very best....

heavenisabookstore said...

I think it sounds like it went well. They sound very receptive to you. Yeah! Good for you for taking a leap. Enjoy life. Don't worry about the small stuff. Everything happens for a reason.

Emily said...

Paula: XOXO!

Small Town Girl: Thanks! I am definitely grabbing this with both hands.

Heavenisabookstore: Yes, I think everything does happen for a reason, even if we don't understand it at the time.