Wednesday, May 10, 2006

You Know You're in Texas When...

Originally uploaded by Gem-Em.
...there are fields full of cattle, even longhorns, right down the street from your neighborhood. is king.

...the locals draw out single-syllable words into two or three syllables.

...all the politicians are backed by oil.

...half the population only speaks Spanish. can travel for 12 hours in a single direction and still be within the state's borders.


Anonymous said...

You know your not really in Texas when.........the state flower will not grow where we live, 80% of the folks are Spanish..........Longhorns are known only as the Texas U team and, if you drive south for 3 minutes yer in Mexico.......
By the way, The Aggies are a team from New Mexico State in Cruces...........

Unknown said...

You know you're in Scotland when:

- there are fields full of cattle (the Highland ones with the silly fringes) down the street.
- football (soccer) is king.
- the locals draw out single-syllable words as to be unintelligble.
- the politicians are backed by noone.
- half the population only speaks once they've had their daily dose of Irn-Bru (yeuch).
- you can travel for 12 hours in a single direction and thank heavens you're back somewhere civilised (England).

Not so different across the pond, really..!!

Anonymous said...

Ha, Ha! Those are great Em! Sorry, my mind went blank for some examples of my own!!!! =/



Anonymous said...

Here is my know when you're in England when it rains most of the time...when you see really GREEN grass...when you can stand on any corner and smell (mmm) Fish and Chips...when 'Footy' (Football) is the Nations' favourite topic of conversation...and our Capital City is full of Tourists!!...will this do for now? x

Anonymous said...

You know you are in Runcorn when you step outside and everyone has tatoos (even the women), the men wear baseball caps and tracksuits but never step foot inside a gym, you take a deep lungfull of air and then cough for about an hour afterwards due to the emissions from ICI and Fiddlers Ferry. Ahhhhh home sweet home XX

Anonymous said...

Oh,Paula hahahahahahaa you have a wonderful sense of humour,Girl...and oh,how you describe Runcorn so well!!We still love it though don't we..:o)xx