Monday, May 08, 2006

I am an experienced garage salewoman.

As my sisters reminisced on my previous post, we would often visit garage sales on Saturday mornings with our dad. It was a great way to get new toys for low cost. My strongest memory is wanting the board game "Operation." We finally found it at one sale, but the woman wouldn't sell it to us, emphatically stating it was a "boy's game." I was furious -- my first personal experience with discrimination.

As an adult, I've realized the value of holding my own garage sales. I've held a couple over the last 10 years, so I was able to guide Steve this weekend in his first. Fortunately, the heavy rain we've been experiencing held off during the sale, and since this weekend was designated by the community as its garage sale weekend, there were several sales and lots of traffic.

We made a little over $200. We still have a few things we're going to try to sell online, and the rest is going to be donated. We decided against selling hot dogs when Steve heard we might need a special permit for food sales, but we made several dollars selling soda and water. I got to use my pidgeon Spanish several times, as the majority of our shoppers were Hispanic.

Both my sisters mentioned buying beads at garage sales...Steve had several strands of old Mardi Gras beads. They were picked up a dozen times but never bought. They'd ask, "how much?" 50 cents each, was our reply. Then they'd put them back and walk away! Is 50 cents really too much to ask?!?


Anonymous said...

I think you did really well to get that amount of cash.

Can't believe that when you were a kiddywink the woman wouldn't let you buy "Operation" saying it was a boy's game. Stupid Sod!!

My friend had it, I never had the patience to play it properly.

Anonymous said...

50 cents....maybe 25 woulda sold the beads a little better or even 10 cents. People love HUGE bargains....


P.S. I always stunk at operation, too Paula