Thursday, May 18, 2006


No worries...the rash and hives were gone within an hour. The Benadryl must have helped but did make me feel like I was dragging through the rest of the day.

The new antibiotic I'm on lists as its most common side effect abdominal cramping and diarrhea. Great. Should be a fun 7 days. Oh, and it coincides with my monthly cycle.

Sorry I don't have anything fun or interesting to post. I feel yucky.


Unknown said...

Good cheesecake, and lots of it. Cure for most known ills. Hope you feel better soon.

Vetmommy said...

Here's a good cure: lots of luvin' from Anna and Colin!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are feeling so crappy - try and rest sweetpea XXX

Debi said...

Feel better soon!