Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Jennifer, my incredibly-athletic-Energizer-bunny sister, challenged me to join her and her husband in their local 5K (3.1 miles). I agreed it's a good step towards getting ready for the Danskin Triathlon, which is quickly approaching. My training has included jogging short distances, interspersed with walking, as well as biking and swimming, but running is my weakest sport.

Jenn set the pace with Anthony and I following. They soon broke away from me as we ascended a fairly steep hill. I realized I did better just focusing on the road directly in front of me, rather than looking down the road.

I walked a few times to catch my breath but kept moving. After a mile and a half, there were several people who I kept pace with, including an older man, a mom and teenage daughter, and a young boy.

I noticed the boy seemed to not have his right shoe on correctly, but then I realized his right leg and foot were slightly twisted. He struggled to throw his right leg around each step and would only run for a few steps before walking a few. But he kept running again and again.

Wow, if he can do this, I have no excuses.

When Jenn and I told Grandma about our upcoming participation in the triathlon, she simply responded, "Why would you do that?" We laughed but later discussed how we are doing it to challenge ourselves physically. After watching this little guy fight for each step, I also realize I'm doing this because I can. I'm doing it out of appreciation for the body I've been given and my health.

I finished the 5K in just under 40 minutes. Jenn did it in 31 minutes; Anth in 34 minutes. Nineteen days until the triathlon!


Debi said...

Gratz! It would have taken me at least 2 hours! LOL

Anonymous said...

Great post Em. Fabulous result - I can't remember the last time I did any running (apart from around Runcorn Hill chasing Lukeyboy!!!). Really proud for you all. XXXX

Anonymous said...

That time is not bad Emily!

Good luck at the Triatholon!!!


Vetmommy said...

Emily did very well on her first 5K. She also neglects to tell you all she BIKED the day before and MOWED my entire back yard. Go IRON EM!

Unknown said...

That is impressive Emily! Jenn told me Monday night (when we traveled to Austin) that you had all participated and I was so smiley just hearing that you had run your first 5K. Good effort. Keep it up. I used to run those every weekend in Dallas -- there is always some charity run on Saturday morning. I was ALWAYS at the back of the pack with women way older than me (read:grannies) but tried to concentrate on keeping my pace, regulating my breathing and not stopping to walk. If I could do that, I felt I was doin alright!