Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I am a 1 Gallon Donor!

On and off over the past six years, I have donated blood to Carter Blood Care. They were at work last week, and I donated again. I have type O+ blood, considered the "universal donor." You get free juice and cookies (not the reason I donate), and they also give you your cholesterol level.

I also learned that my blood is CMV negative. When I inquired about this, the phlebotomist told me it's Cytomegalovirus, and because my blood is negative for the antibodies, my donation can be given to babies. This really made me smile, since I volunteer with the babies at the county hospital.

And good news! My cholesterol is within normal levels (under 200). I'm currently at 180. On their website, I can see all my cholesterol levels over the past 6 years, ranging from 139-181. And, it says I've given 9 times, making me a 1 gallon donor (and I'm 1 pint into my second gallon)!


Unknown said...

Love you, love the fact that you donate blood.

Vetmommy said...

Hooray for HEMOGLOBIN - Em! (get it, like iron-em?)

Anonymous said...

I love dontating blood, I'm B Positive which isn't so common. Also I like saying it ... go on, it feels good.

Anonymous said...

Well you have done your 'bit' Em...but to 'the Carter blood bank' ??? I never saw any blood :o)xx

Anonymous said...

You rock! Just thinking about giving blood is making my queasy. I remember the smell of alcohol swabs wafting from the diner at our old workplace during one of your blood drives. That's enough to make me weak in the knees. :-) (P.S. I thought O- was the universal donor?)