Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Hives 007
Originally uploaded by Gem-Em.
I've never before had an allergic reaction to antibiotics, but boy, did I experience one today!

It's hard to see much from the picture, but my hands and forearms had red splotches and hives. The palms of my hands were very red and itchy.

Being me, I thought it was pretty fascinating. (I didn't have a serious reaction -- no wheezing or swollen airway.) I took some Benadryl, called my doctor and will try a new antibiotic tomorrow. Cool, huh?


Unknown said...

No, NOT cool! That looks like it was really irritated. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Why are you on antibiotics? Oh, how I hate taking them whatsoever! Being your pro-biotic sister, I recommend you drink some Dan-Active to maintain your flora! :)

Anonymous said...

I had something similar happen to me when I took generic Diflucan! My whole body was itchy and blotchy just like yours. I remember I kept scratching my stomach and then I looked down thinking I had a bug bite or something, but instead I had spots all over! I took benadryl and prednisone and it went away in a couple days.

Anonymous said...

I saw it and feared for your life.

Anonymous said...

OOoohh...when I had an allergy,Em..the Doctor gave me (not antibiotics) cos they don't give them out like sweeties now in England...Eumovate Ointment 30gs....and another time...Neoclarityn Tablets...both worked ..the latter was for swelling under eyes and nose.cheeks...get better soon.xxx

Anonymous said...

YIKES! That looks horrid, Emily! Besdies the interesting medical stuff behind the reaction-- I think I'd want to get rid of it RIGHT away!!!! =)

Beware: Benadryl has a way of knocking you off your feet!!!!!! I took it once when I was stung by a yellow jacket wasp and slept the whole car ride to Steph's house!

Hope you get better soon!

Anonymous said...

Ouch that looks so painful. Hope is has cleared up now Em - we always use Piriton for stuff like that only problem is you fall asleep practically standing up (quite useful for overactive toddlers though) XXXX