And today, I received a FedEx package from him with two compilation CDs of Hawaiian music. He offered to make them when we went to dinner last week, and I said I'd like that. (Remember in the 80's when we used to make mixed tapes?) Still, I was surprised that he actually did it and sent them so quickly.
This guy seems so nice! Am I so jaded by my experiences here that this seems so unusual? I read recently on another single gal's blog that her West coast friend remarked she couldn't believe what we NYC girls put up with. She also had this interesting chart on her blog from National Geographic:

As you can see, NYC and the surrounding area has the most single women, while the LA area has the most single men. (Texas is looking pretty good in this chart, too.)
I am so glad you have something happy and fun to look forward to on your birthday!
While I am glad you have someone to make you feel special on your birthday, and at the risk of sounding like Poopy McPoopster, I say tread lightly if for no other reason than that this guy lives 3000 miles away (although it does sound like he travels a fair bit to the East Coast) and to a certain extent it seems like too much too soon. Still so long as you keep your equilibrium, no reason why you can't enjoy yourself.
Aww, jman--come out of hiding and finally admit your undying love from afar for our Emily! haha
Vetmommy: Me too!
jman, aka Poopy McPoopster: I'm just enjoying being wooed and living in the moment. It makes me smile. I'm not giving it too much thought beyond that.
yeah, there's a problem with that map - it counts everyone 20-69. Check out this revised version:
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