Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Voting, NY-style

I voted this morning. Although some people made disparaging remarks that I didn't take advantage of early voting and was probably going to have to suffer through extreme crowds, I found it to be very well-organized and the entire experience took only 90 minutes.

The polling place for my district is the Surrogate Courthouse. It's an incredible structure, with marble floors and columns, brass fixtures and a painted ceiling in the foyer.

I learned it was completed in 1907 and was built as part of the early 20th century "City Beautiful movement, along with the Municipal Building and the New York County Courthouse. The idea behind the City Beautiful movement was to transform cities with spectacular, imposing classical buildings, fine artwork, and broad boulevards. The intention was to provide an uplifting experience for the community."

It certainly added to my voting experience.


Anonymous said...

wow,Em, it looks very imposing and grand! what an experience for you.
Aunty Norma.x

Vetmommy said...

Hooray for you for voting! That building is very inspiring.