Thursday, November 13, 2008

Good Signs

The scale has been kind lately. I don't weigh myself often -- sometimes not even each week -- but I'm tracking my progress, and thankfully, the progress is going in a downward trend! I'm happy to report I've now lost 6 pounds. While it's slow progress, I'm doing it in a way that will be easy to maintain and will [hopefully] result in permanent weight loss.

In addition to the scale, last week I had to take a belt to a shoe repair shop to get a new hole punched in it. It just wasn't tight enough! :-)

And I found a pair of corduroy slacks in my closet -- funny how things can just disappear in there and you don't look at them for months -- and was going to put them in the donation bag I have because they are a size lower than what I'm currently wearing. It's so disheartening to try those old sizes on and realize again that you're no longer that size. But I guess I was feeling brave and decided to give them a last go before I put them in the donation pile. THEY FIT! So exciting. I've worn them twice since then.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Slow and steady is good.
Love, M

Vetmommy said...

Way to go!

get2eric said...

I gained after last October (2007) cruise and I have had a time trying to shed it. Now I'm about to take another 15 day cruise...........Oh my.

Sod it.

get2eric said...

Oh, by the way. I am making pilates for Thanksgiving next week.............

You know what pilates are don't you............