Monday, September 10, 2007

NY Sights

Last Thursday, I bagged bingo with the seniors to ride free with some of my colleagues on a NY tour bus. (Ok, I do feel a little guilty about ditching bingo, but I need to become more familiar with my surroundings, too.) My boss and one of my employees were also going, and it was fun to "act like tourists" and get the view of the city from the double-decker bus. It was a beautiful night, too. I actually started thinking about a jacket because it got a little cool.

The entrance to the Diamond District is framed by these pillars.

This mosaic was really breathtaking. The picture doesn't do it justice.

Picture of just a few of the skyscrapers we saw.

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Unknown said...

I feel a bit sorry for the bingo crowd. Was that going to be your first or second volunteering evening with them? Knowing you, you'll make it up to them, though.

Vetmommy said...

I still can't believe you live in that magnificent city and see views like that DAILY.

get2eric said...

Was there any beer on that bus? And more important, did it have a bathroom?

Emily said...

Steph, yes, bingo was going to be my first volunteer job with NY Cares. I'll do it another time.

Jenn, I know! I listen to the radio in the morning while I'm getting ready, and when they say the station and then "New York City" I just shake my head in amazement.

Daddy, No, and no. They did give us a pretzel and a bottle of water...