Friday, September 28, 2007

Busy Week

Sorry I have not posted. It has been such a busy week, both at work and personally! I had two back-to-back client presentations yesterday, which was the cause of the work busy-ness, and I've had two family visits, which has been really great.

On Monday, my sister Steph and my lovely niece Evelyn came up to visit. I hadn't seen Evie since her birth-day, and she's so sweet and cute! She's very much a Mommy's girl right now, but she let me hold her without fussing for a few minutes. Steph took me to dinner at Gramercy Tavern, which I had heard about but not tried. We had a five course dinner of uniquely paired ingredients artfully placed on the plate. While five courses sounds obscenely filling, they were each very small, and I did not feel stuffed at the conclusion.

I got to see Steph and Evie again the next day for lunch in Soho. It was a warm day, and Evie looked very bohemian in the outfit Steph had dressed her in. It seemed so natural to meet them for lunch, but I didn't want to let them go!

Last night, I met my aunt Cinda, uncle Lee and their daughter Beverly for dinner. They came up to the apartment and ooh-ed and ah-ed over the view, then we headed to Midtown for dinner to be closer to Grand Central, where they were taking a train later. Their son Rob, who's at West Point, told them about the Indian food restaurant I had taken him to. I could tell by their less than enthusiastic responses and facial expressions that they weren't too sure about it, but they each tried everything I ordered and were surprised to find they liked it! At the end of the meal, they thanked me for introducing them to a new cuisine, and we hurried them back to Grand Central.

Lee was a bit flustered that we got to the train station 10 minutes before the train was to depart, but I knew we were close and they would make it. He doesn't travel much, and I think he's most comfortable in his rural setting. I was very proud of him for stepping outside his comfort zone, not only in coming to the Big City but also to try Indian food! (He had seconds of his favorite dishes.) He asked me as we were walking to the restaurant, "Are you used to this, Emily?" referring to the busy streets and people everywhere. I explained that I've always been a City Girl, so I'm comfortable with it. He seemed surprised!

Tomorrow, I will take the train up to West Point to see them again and watch Army play football. It wasn't too sad saying goodbye since I know I'll see them again soon.


Unknown said...

Go Army! You'll love the way that stadium sits in the midst of all that fall foliage. GIve everyone my love. THanks for posting. Evie and I hope to make more trips like that in the future. hugs and wet slobbery kisses (from her, not me!)

Vetmommy said...

You described your visits so well, I felt I had seen all those people too! Your description of the Indian food introduction made me laugh out loud!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post, Em-Em - I felt like I was there too. So glad you got to see everyone and it all worked in around your busy work schedule.
Love you, M

get2eric said...

Great post!

paula said...

Sounds like you are really settling into your New York life Em, wish we could be there with you. XX