Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Fringe is not City-Friendly

Several months ago, I asked my friend Jenn-Em what I should do to change my hairstyle. I like her sense of style and trust her judgment. But when she suggested I get bangs -- or "fringe" as my British cousins call it -- I debated and thought about it for a few months before taking the plunge.

It takes much more effort to have bangs. More product, more use of styling applainces and more time, but it did look pretty good, and Jenn-Em joked that the bangs were the deciding factor in my new company hiring me!

However, the bangs are NOT City-friendly. In NYC, the wind whips around and through the buildings, even on a day that's not particularly windy. The subways are humid and stuffy, even on beautiful, cool days. The humidity and wind do a number on my hair, so even if I look great before I leave my apartment, by the time I'm at the office, I might as well not have done anything. The bangs especially looked bad -- either flat and glued with sweat to my forehead or swinging out like horns on either side of my head. Not the look I'm going for.

My sister Steph, who I swear has never had a bad hair day in her life, suggested I use more product, or different products, to keep my hair looking good from apartment to office. (Is that her secret?) I tried several and different combinations. I could get it frozen in place, but when the wind blew in my face, my bangs shot up like a bad toupee.

So, I have decided to start the slow and arduous process of growing them back out.


Unknown said...

hmmm, well, I prefer no bangs on me, but I've always liked you with "fringe" of at least layers around your face. My expat bud Katie is always battling her fringe here in the Houston heat/humidity too. I will look into different products for you...

Anonymous said...

Have patience,Em..I have had a fringe all my life (well from 16 years of age) it gives the face a softness..I never use any control on it so that when the wind does blow it all over the just goes back where it should be..I keep it clean and 'sweat free' hahaha xx

Vetmommy said...

Hmm, I am contemplating growing mine out again. My prodigious forehead, though, always gives me pause.

get2eric said...

Em, I like your hair style the way it is. You may try A. Norma's method.

Unknown said...

That process is the reason I've never experimented with fringes. Although you might want to give John Frieda's stuff a shot, if you can get hold of it over there.