Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas in Review

It's so much fun having little ones around for Christmas. Their delight in the smallest wonders kept all the adults smiling.

Some of my favorite moments:

Colin: "I got a box!"
Anna: "I hope you feel better by Christmas, Auntie Emily."
Both: "The CLOCK! The CLOCK!" (Said each time Nana's clock would chime. Then they would count in unison each time it rang.)
Colin: "Em-wee!" as he ran toward me with open arms and gave me a tackling hug.
Decorating gingerbread cookies with Anna and Jennifer.
Colin putting chocolate fudge into his mouth with both hands before saying, "Moh Chocwat, pwease."

Unfortunately, I'm still under the weather. My annoying cold has turned into a sinus infection, and my doctor is on holiday! (I'm seeing her colleague tomorrow -- the soonest I could get in.) It's nice to be home, and Sabrina is VERY glad I'm back, but I do miss those sweet voices and all the hugs.


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a lovely time Em, so sorry you're still under the weather though, what a bugger getting a sinus infection, hope the doc can sort you out sweetpea. Love the quotes from Anna and Colin, especially "I got a box." Luke got bored opening his presents about halfway through, and kept saying "what's all this for?", Richard and I enjoyed opening them for him though, we were like "oh wow, look a new car", then we'd go off and play with them leaving Luke throwing the wrapping paper around the room. Precious!!!!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha Paula..typical! give a kid a box and they can play to their hearts' can be a 'boat' a ''plane' a 'car' ..lovely and cost nowt! :o) xx...hope you're feeling better,precious Em. xx

Unknown said...

I hope the doc can fix you up. It might take some serious drugs to knock it out at this point. Ugh. Memories of my February illness just this past year...Just beware of the steroids shots they might give you to kick your sinus infection. I got a bad dose of kenalog in my left buttock and it left me with a purple divot in my cheek!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I love the first one - you can see all the anticipation and excitment in their little faces as mommy read 'Twas the Night Before Chirstmas'! =)

UG...sorry about your un-going bug! I have a presisitent cough...(especially in the morning)....and I can't talk in the morning because my throat is SOOO froggy! Anyways, I hope you feel better soon!

Love ya much

Anonymous said...

Well I hope you all feel better in the New Year!!! give the colds etc the old 'HEAVE HO' drink plenty of fluids and stay out of crowded places..if you want something from the store..ermm send someone else in hahahaa Happy New Year to you all.xxxx