Friday, December 09, 2005

About Being Thirty-Something

What is it about being over thirty that your body begins a mutiny against its host?

I remember in college learning something about after 30 your body biologically starts to decline. Any growth is now over, and biologically speaking, it's all downhill.

Well, I know what's growing! Chinny hairs! (This is what my mom and sisters and I call the suspiciously wiry and unwanted hairs that spring from your chin at wild angles.)

I found another one this morning. I have a mole in the middle of my chin that, since puberty, has sprouted obvious dark hairs. I tried getting the mole removed when I was 17, and although the mole got lighter and less noticeable, the hairs continued to emerge at regular intervals. Some are now gray -- I don't think this is due to my age. I think I have sped up the aging of those hair follicles by plucking them.

So I continuously check the mole on my chin for new growth. This morning, in addition to the new dark hair from the ever-producing mole, I also had a longish blonde hair under my chin. What's with that?! I don't need that!

At least men get some, too. Their extra hair springs from their nose and ears. Maybe the chin isn't so bad compared to that.

Of course, I'm sure my mom and aunts will post comments about how much more fun I have to look forward to: menopause, the disappearance of collagen, moustaches...Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you posted this. I have suffered from hair sprouting from my chin for the past 10 years - can you imagine? It is worse when you are dark, they are so obvious and such a nightmare. I carry tweezers with me now everywhere I go after a particularly harrowing occasion when I looked in my car rear view mirror when I was parked up and spotted a veritable beard under my chin (broad daylight is so unforgiving). Wait till you get the matching moustache!!! I have a mole on my cheek with a lovely wire like hair that sprouts from it, when I havent trimmed it Luke touches it and goes "Mummy - yuck!!!" How touching!!!??

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe my body has started its descent early because I have chinny hairs too! I've gotten them for a couple years now (I don't ever admit this and refuse to admit the other places I get hair that women aren't supposed to!!) I read an article in Allure magazine that talked about the taboo areas women get hair and that made me feel a little better, but it's still so gross to pluck hairs off my face!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's gross - no other word for it! Now I have these hairs crop up over night on my neck as well and they are at least 1/2 inch! Literally over night. And yes, my tweezer is my constant companion. :) Love, M

Anonymous said...

Whew! do you young 'uns make me feel better :o) first of all,ladies,DO NOT PLUCK THEM..wax them if they bother you but cutting them is are correct,Emily, in saying that you think plucking them stimulates the little blighters there is also a risk in them becoming infected ooer..I now have no hair under my arms and just when one begins to appreciate getting older by being 'hairless' WHAM! up sprout the 'wiry' hairs...why can't they be'baby soft'? where do the follicles come from..oh I could go on hahaha (but I won't)an interesting subject,Em, we may get someone telling us how to get rid of them permanently,huh?

Vetmommy said...

The best time to check for chinny hairs is in the rearview mirror. Something about the sunlight really catches them!

Anonymous said...

Can I add that I have hair on my big toes and (I find it had to admit) on my thumbs!!!! Arrrgh!!! Mind you with the new King Kong movie maybe this could become quite trendy??!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a scar on my chin that sprouts, too. Jus one hair, but HUGE and BLACK. I check every few days to see if it's coming back, and if I see it AT ALL, out come the tweezers. :)