Monday, December 05, 2005

Entertainment x 3

Although I flew back into town early Friday morning and we had planned a quiet evening, Steve got free symphony tickets for Friday evening, and we just couldn't pass it up. We had a quick Italian dinner and headed downtown. The symphony was hosting a talented young violinist as a guest soloist. She is just 17, but her talent and dedication were obvious. She was so expressive and obviously felt and loved the music she was playing. I enjoyed watching her and seeing both the child and the young woman in her expressions.

On Saturday night, we had both Steve’s and my company parties. His was held in a suite at the Mavericks’ game. Mine was held downtown, a “Monte Carlo” night with a karaoke room. We had so much fun at both…Sunday was spent recovering!


Unknown said...

Ah, party season. Have to love it!! My next morning tip? Fat Coke and lots of it!

Vetmommy said...

What a fun weekend!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time!!