Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year Musings

I've been off the blog scene lately. I didn't even read my sisters' blogs for the past couple days. I had a nightmare last night that something had happened and I didn't know about it, so I caught up on all their pictures and stories this morning.

I took Friday off as my last vacation day of 2005, and today is a holiday from work. It's been great to have a 4-day weekend to catch up on everything: sleep, laundry, cleaning, and visiting with friends.

The antibiotics are doing their job, and I'm finally feeling more like myself. Thanks for everyone's well-wishes! But now that I'm feeling better physically, I seem to be dwelling more on my emotional status.

I know I have a tendency to over-analyze, but...
Sometimes I run when things get too tough. Moving around often as a kid was great in so many ways, but it taught me I can start over and not deal with relationship issues. I know that each of my brief marriages was doomed from the start (poor choices on my part), but still I wonder if I didn't give it enough effort? Then I remember the situations and think, yes I did...

I also vacillate between feeling really confident and thinking I deserve someone who loves and appreciates all my unique qualities and feeling not good enough. I've discovered (through in-depth counseling with a insightful professional) that I tend to be the pursuer in relationships. I feel more comfortable with the role of trying to win someone over. When I "get" them, I start to feel restless. (I think that's when the feeling of "I'm not good enough" comes in.)

I have also been exploring and trying to chip away at my unattainable goal of perfection. I know logically I'm not perfect and can never be, but sometimes my drive to be perfect in every facet of my life comes out and nearly cripples me. I also tend to look for perfection in a man...something we all know doesn't exist! (ha ha)

Steve wrote me a beautiful and heartfelt email over the holidays. I broke up with him after he made a stupid mistake, and I focused on that and not the months of his true behavior. He had also recently told me he loved me. That scared me (see above), and I didn't react well to it. Even before the email and our recent talks, I have felt that he has been the first man to truly see and appreciate me for who I am. And so, with all this in mind, I've decided to see him for lunch. No guarantees for anything else, but I need to explore this a bit more.

Hope all this rambling makes sense. Thanks for reading it!


Anonymous said...

It's crazy how much alike we really are Em. Too bad we live so far away from eachother. :( Good luck with your lunch with Steve, I'll be thinking about you! :)

Vetmommy said...

Wow, your love life never ceases to entertain. I hope Steve really does appreciate all that you are, and is man enough to learn from his mistakes. I love the sentence, "I have come to learn from an experienced..."

We miss you and think of you often, Emowee.

Anonymous said...

Hey,Em..NEVER doubt are a lovely young lady.. and who DOESN'T look for perfection!! if we WERE perfect we would be Angels in Heaven! listen to your old Aunty Norma..lesson number one: Stop 'LOOKING'..let him come to you..lesson number two: there is someone out there for us all(well not me I found mine) :o) and when the time is right it will happen!!and as you say you now have experience under your belt! sooo don't think you have to 'hurry up' and make your choice..go with the flow as everyone is saying lately...(it works by the way) Love you.x