Tuesday, October 11, 2005

May I Have this Dance?

To answer a comment posted by my sis Jenn last week about the fact that I'm not posting much because I'm dating Steve:


Maybe. Steve was out-of-town, travelling for work for almost a week, and when he came back into town last Thursday night, I didn't post Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday. It's so nice to have someone to spend time with! We had a quiet dinner Thursday night, went out with friends of his on Friday night, went to a party for a friend of mine on Saturday night, and met my best friend for lunch on Sunday. Whew!

Steve is very sweet. He likes to drop me off at the airport and pick me up for my trips. It's very convenient for me, and it's nice to have someone waiting for you when you get home. I used to feel extra lonely when I travelled -- when you get to your destination, most people call someone at home to let them know you arrived. I would get there and wonder if anyone even knew I was out-of-town. As I was leaving, Steve said, "Call me when you get there and let me know you got there safely."

Last night, he called me and asked if I'd be interested in taking dancing lessons with him. How fun! I think it would be a blast, and as I'm sure my mom would say, it's a great opportunity to learn how he will react in a learning situation. We haven't determined what kind of dance yet, but I'm thinking maybe Salsa!


Anonymous said...

Oh Emily, Steve sounds so very lovely, I am so happy that he is looking after you so very well. You really do deserve it. And the dancing lessons, oh how great is that! Salsa hey? Ooooh!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mommy and I are gonna take Conga lessons to get ready for our New Year's cruise.........Your new friend sounds good so far...

You can tell who has nowt to do.....Paula and I are usually the 1st to comment.

In my OP way I am always trying to make a word out of the security key below

Unknown said...

Ooh, Daddy you'd like my security word, it's looking extremely naughty. has some z's, f's and k's and then "hmm"...I'm not joking! Wowie.

Emily, you do own a digital camera, right? well, cough up a pic already!!! As for the lessons, I agree, definitely some sort of sexy Latin dance, no foxtrot will do.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Eric you do make me laugh so very much XXX

Unknown said...

Well, you know what they say about men who can dance...

Though whoever said it was clearly lying, as I've yet to come across a man who can. Huh.

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

How about the tango? Can't beat that for romance, right?