Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Don't Mess with Me Today

Pain sucks. Especially when it's in your head. Especially when it's in your MOUTH and it hurts to eat. I feel like someone is imposing a no-eat diet on me. And I'm pissed (and hungry).

When I was in Pittsburgh last week, my mouth started hurting on the lower right side. When I got back home, I called and saw the dentist on Wednesday. He took x-rays and did a thorough exam and determined that it must be "just" an ulcer. He said to swish with warm salt water (yum!) and take Advil and it should clear up in 7-10 days.


Add to this the fact that the same dentist put in a crown on the lower left side on Monday. Now I can't really chew on either side of my mouth because it hurts too much.

The dentist made an appointment for me to see a periodontist today, so hopefully he can make this go away!

I'm not sleeping well because of the pain either. So now I'm tired, hurting, hungry and do I need to mention cranky?


Anonymous said...

Ooh I'm sorry Em, hope it gets better soon.

Anonymous said...

You have my every sympathy sweetheart, I have had an abscess on my lower left gum for about one month now, I finished the antibiotics I was given and have had the first stage of root canal but every now and then it still hurts. I went a whole week without being able to eat or sleep properly and how PISSED OFF does it make you feel. The pain I was in was worse than labour - honest!!!! It started out as an infection that the first dentist I went to see said would go away on its own!!! That was the Friday by the Saturday evening I was climbing the walls in agony!!! Oh I hope it clears up soon for you!!!

Unknown said...

ooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh, yuck. Oh EmEm, that sounds brutal. I'm so sorry. WTF, a piece of bone? Whatcha been eating there, cave girl?