Monday, October 10, 2005

Worry? Who, Me?

In the past, I've been told (mainly by men who are probably scared of their own feelings) that I'm emotional. I prefer to say I'm passionate and empathetic, but at times, I will agree I may be a tad sappy. I'm in one of those phases right now.

You know it's bad when shopping for cards at Hallmark causes you to well up with tears, or watching the TV show House about a young girl with cancer causes a good bout of crying.

Work has been stressful lately, and hormones aren't helping the situation either. But as I was flying to Pittsburgh last night (I'm here for work for the next couple days), I was realizing how much of the "drama" in my life I create myself, or rather, how much of it is just in my head.

How often is it that we stress or worry over our perception of the way things are, only to discover later that we were wrong and there was nothing to worry about? I've had a couple of these lately, both personally and professionally, and I'm trying to take a step back and not spend so much energy worrying. As I once read, worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair. You expend a lot of energy, but you don't get anywhere.


-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Would you believe I love you?

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Would you believe I love humanity?

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Would you believe I love humanity 'enuff to perish as a martyr? That's how much Christ loves you.

Anonymous said...

I love you too.

One of the things I would change about me if I were able is the emotional bit. I cry at the national anthem, either England's or ours.
The reason I would change it is because I recognize the situation is serious; I cannot sing AND cry so I can never finish the song!
That's why I like the Froggie anthem so much. I can sing the bugger and because I don't mean it, I don't tear up.........

Unknown said...

Daaaaaahdeee! Geez...:)

Em Em, sounds like it's a rough week. I'm sorry! Take the time for your touchstones, the things in life that center you and remind you of what's important.

If all else fails, eat a lot of dark chocolate! ;}

Come visit US!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Em, I know where you are coming from. I am so very emotional and a complete worrier, I blame my dad and nanna. It got worse after I had Luke!! I well up at anything and everything!! If I go looking for cards for people I find myself getting choked up at congratulations/wedding/birth announcements etc etc. I can make a complete idiot of myself. I used to work in a very male dominated environment and a few times when I was in an important meeting I used to feel really under pressure to perform better than my male colleagues - that used to eat me up inside soooo much!! My quick fix remedy: Bridget Jones, glass of wine and chocolate!!! works like a charm!!! XXXXXX

Unknown said...

Sounds like you're having a shitty week. The British way of dealing with things? Repress, repress, repress, and then a good-sized glass of Bombay and tonic...

Hope you feel better soon, matey.

Anonymous said...

I can worry myself into not sleeping for days, so I completely get what you're saying. All you can do is try to find some way to take your mind off of it, but that's not too easy. Good luck, and enjoy your trip!

Vetmommy said...

How much worse would it be, if you were completely cut off from your feelings and unable to empathize with others? So live life really feeling your feelings, but give up on the worry, which is usually just stressing over things you have no control over anyway.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh,Eric,I know just what you mean..I cannot for the life of me sing 'Land of Hope and Glory' and also because I have always felt an affinity with America HER National anthem too! BUT I thank God that we are all 'softhearted' and it is nothing to be ashamed Em. cry all you want to at the cards in the store(I do that too) the only thing is that I stand there like a fool laughing at the funnies then turn round quickly to see if anybody has seen me :o)xx