Monday, May 02, 2005

Another one bites the dust

Bart called me this week and was very supportive about my frustration with my work. I talked to him again on Saturday. Both times we had easy conversation and talked for quite a while.

Then, as I was walking into my favorite neighborhood club on Saturday, he was walking out. We stopped and talked, and he said, "I don't know if you noticed, but I've kinda been pulling away from you." I stifled a laugh and told him no, I hadn't noticed. (We'd only had one date, and I'd talked to him twice on the phone that week. I wonder what it would have been like if he wasn't "pulling away"?)

Anyway, he said it worried him that I had said I was a little freaked out when he told me he wanted to get married in a year. (He was also going on and on about how this could be the beginning of a great relationship...) He said the last girl he dated said she was freaked out and turned out to be emotionally unavailable. He also expressed concern that I had mentioned depression. I told him point-blank that I am an honest, straightforward person. I've been treating depression since '96, and as that's not something I can change, if he had a problem with it, he could walk.

He seemed surprised that I was so matter-of-fact and not at all upset. He said he was leaving because the band wasn't very good. (I could hear from the doorway that they were playing a great song, and I was trying not to move to the music.) I can't remember how we left it exactly, but I don't think I'll be anxious to pick up the phone if I see he's calling.

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