Thursday, May 05, 2005

Status Quo

Today was a little better. Both kids go to school for part of the day, and that was a welcome break. Also, Beverly arrived around 10 and was a BIG help. I also had 3 cups of coffee today, and that helped, too.

Anna is still testing me regularly, although no accidents today. Yea! They ate a little better tonight, although Anna REFUSED to try my mashed potatoes. She said she wanted regular potatoes, which of course was impossible as they were all mashed.

For lunch, Bev knew where the Freebird's is in Pflugerville, and Colin helped us eat our enormous burritos. He seemed very happy there, pointing out everything to us. And when we put him to bed tonight, you could hear him practicing his counting in Spanish, "Uno, dos, tres..."

That's about it. Chickens, dog and cat have all been fed. The trash and recycling are on the curb, and there is laundry running in the washing machine. All quiet for now.


Unknown said...

Yeah! Sounds like today was a big improvement.

Anonymous said...

Very nice. Keep up the good work.