Sunday, May 08, 2005

Please leave comments

Ok, I just found out I can allow people to post comments anonymously, and I have turned on this feature. Now you have no excuse not to comment!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not anonymous, but I thought I'd leave you a msg here anyway. Sorry things were crazy here when you called. You were very sweet to say what you said, and I appreciated the call and the words. My day was less than glowing, but I am happy to be alive and living this life. The kids were a little whiny, the sky a little gloomy, and Al had to run up to the office in this weather. It stressed out the kids when they heard the thunder. But it all melted away when they gave passionate kisses and said, "I uhhh doohh" as we tucked them in. Guess that's what this day is all about. Well, Em, I uhh doohh, too.