Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Work Insanity

We just can't seem to get ahead. My company has hired a lot of people since the beginning of the year, but there is still so much more work than we have capacity for. It's very disheartening, and I'm afraid we're going to lose a lot of good people.

My friend Lisa already left. She was offered a great job with someone she had worked with in the past, and now she keeps taunting me with her very reasonable work hours.

Here's an example of how frustrating my work is right now. We have been working since January to build a site for one of our customers. It takes several months because the pharmaceutical companies have stringent legal reviews. After our client has reviewed everything, the content must be submitted to legal two weeks before the legal review meeting, then the actual review is an interminably four-hour long conference call, from which we receive extensive revisions, served with a side of sarcasm. We make the changes, and our client reviews them and probably has additional changes, which we must make before resubmitting to legal. Once legal has reviewed the content twice, we can then "tech" the site, putting the content into the design and making the pages functional. The team reviews the site on our staging server, ensuring everything has been implemented as we intended. (This full site will also have to go back through the legal review because they want to see how the content and graphics work together.) The client has just reviewed our site on the staging server and has asked for an emergency meeting this afternoon because they don't like the design. We may have to redesign the whole site. AARGH!!! Just when we thought we were close to finishing this project, we are taking a MAJOR step back.

This is only one of my projects. I'm also responsible for overseeing the content, design, information architecture and working on strategy for 4 other accounts and working on 2 business development projects. And it's not just me. Everyone seems to be overbooked and has been for the past couple months.

My counselor keeps reminding me to Breathe...I hope sighing counts!

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