Friday, May 06, 2005

Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah...

(referring to Anna & Colin's Muddah and Faddah) We haven't heard from you lately...

Anna only gets 2 milks a day. Does Colin have a limit?
If I run out of dog food, what kind should I buy? (There's a great special on Ol' Roy...)

Gross poopy stories:
When I took Anna to school, Bev stayed home with Colin O. Colin had gotten hot last night and had taken his footy pajamas off his body, mostly. They were inside out but still clinging to his feet. So when he got up, he just ran around like a white-trash kid in just diapers.

Bev was cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast when Colin came over, stuck his hand down the back of his diaper, and withdrew it, now covered in poop, to declare "yucky." Damn right yucky.

The past few days, I've been a little concerned about the cat, Claudio. I've cleaned the litter box every day as directed, but all I've found is clumps of urine. No poop. What do you do for a constipated cat? He seems happy enough.

As Bev and I were enjoying a appetizer in the kitchen while cooking dinner, Montana (dog) came in licking her chops. "What have you gotten into?" Bev asked. Oh, no. I suddenly realized what's been happening to Claudio's turds. Montana's appetizers. Yucky again.

Dinner is an ordeal. I think I don't like being the disciplinarian. I'd rather be the fun auntie. So after dinner, I asked Bev to take the kids outside while I cleaned the kitchen. It's funny how cleaning the kitchen seems like a respite.

Montana was outside with them and had to add to the land mines in the yard. Colin had to investigate. Bev brought him inside, insisting I wash his hands because he had "squeezed a turd." He also pronounced this poop "yucky."

Ok, enough about poop.

Colin is so sweet. He says hi and bye to strangers and things. When we were at the park this morning, he saw and identified a helicopter. As it was flying out of sight, he said, "Bye, 'copter."

I gave up on fixing nice dinners tonight. They had Morningstar Farms chicken nuggets and Ramen noodles, as Colin calls them "No-nos," with awe in his voice. (Bev and I had leftovers.) The noodleman asked for multiple servings, each one with a prompted "please," but several no-nos never made it to his mouth. They were all over his chair and placemat. Montana could tell it was a good night to be under the table...only she ended up with noodles on top of her, too.

Both kids have lamented that their mom and dad aren't here. They miss you guys. Anna and I are counting down the days.

1 comment:

Vetmommy said...

Hey, Emily, sorry we´ve been out of touch lately, its been difficult to get internet or telephone access. Should be better here in espana since there are internet cafes cheap everywhere, and we are buying a spanish telephone card. Also sorry for the trial by fire. Supposedly the tantrums only occur for the ones they love, those they feel comfortable with.

Colin is also limited to 2 milks per day, usually takes them after he wakes up. If he´s been getting more, DONT WORRY, its not going to make any big difference. Steph also had good advise about the eating (look at the week in review). We like them to try everything but they don´t have to finish anything. Anna can be very stubborn,as you´ve witnessed.

Your descriptions of the poop and the dinner ordeal had us dying with laughter, and almost in tears missing the kids. I can´t believe how much ColinO is talking! Sniff... We miss them so much this week. I do remember, struggling to get dinner on the table and keep some order to the house, dreaming of my vacation - now I´ve had DAYS of uniterrupted dinners served to ME! We are so grateful to you, Em. Glad Bev was able to help.

Muchas gracias!