Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Church Lady?

From my first month here in NYC, I've been going to the same church, John Street United Methodist. It's the oldest UMC in the U.S. with its beginnings in 1766. The current church building is actually the third, built in 1841. It is dwarfed by the mammoths on either side, but has a quaint appearance.

Before I officially joined the church, I made inquiries that led to the formation of the choir. Our 8-9 amateur choir made some beautiful music, and with our choir director/organist's passing in November, I have missed singing and joking around with the group.

Several of the choir members cajoled (harassed?) me to try Bible study on Monday nights. The key deciding factor for me was the home-cooked meals, featuring entrees by our NY Italian original Anna. The food is fantastic, but I have learned more about the Bible and again have treasured the fellowship of the small group.

And after our choir director/organist's death, our pastor asked me to join the committee that, among other things, will help select the new organist/music director. It's something very dear to me, so I didn't hesitate to say yes.

And then,...the ladies I'd gotten to know through choir and Bible study twisted my arm to join the United Methodist women. They dragged me along to their lunch outing (we do a lot of eating), and gave me a copy of the book that was a gift for each one. I'm definitely the youngest -- I think there's one woman in her 40's and the rest are in their 50's, 60's and 70+ -- but they are sweet and funny. And then one of them made a comment that we were "Church Ladies" and should wear hats. It was a joke, but all I could see in my mind was Dana Carvey's Church Lady from SNL:

I'm not going to start wearing a hat, but I've come to really appreciate this community I've found and become a part of. And it keeps me out of trouble. Well...most of the time. ;-)


Shimmed said...

Be careful unless your comfortable becoming one of these 70+ year old church ladies (i.e. spinster) one day.

Anonymous said...

Shimmed - I don't get the correlation between being in a church group and becoming a "spinster."
Anway, it sounds fun, and I think it is a great way to make friends.


Vetmommy said...

I just clicked back to your "before" link, where you stated you were hesitant to commit. You're in the thick of it now!

Emily said...

Shimmed: LOL! I think the term "spinster" is outdated. We can't always get what we want in life, but I believe it's important to be happy with what you are given.

Erica: I have made friends, several of them people I wouldn't have otherwise met.

Jenn/Vetmommy: I know! And it just creeped up on me!

Anonymous said...

All very commendable,Em, but watch your Diet with all the yummy eating! Sounds lovely though. :) x

Aunty Norma.x