Monday, October 05, 2009


I don't really like reality TV, except for The Biggest Loser. I like watching the transformations, I like the tips from the trainers, and I like the fact that they encourage everyone watching to make changes in their own lives to be healthier. I find it inspiring, and unlike other shows I watch, I cannot watch it with my butt parked on the couch. I find I have to get up and do something.

I record shows so I can zoom through the commercials, so yesterday I watched last week's Biggest Loser. I did some squats, lunges, arm weights, the sitting-against-the-wall thing, crunches, leg lifts with ankle weights, and the bridge pose...for two hours minus commercials. I'm feeling it today, but it's a good kind of sore, the kind that lets you know you did something positive to keep in shape.

I saw an old colleague last week that I hadn't seen in a little over a year, and there's 30 lbs less of me now. She was enthusiastic in her surprise. My new friend NM asked to see a before pic, and I pulled up this one. It's disgusting to me, but it's good to remember to see how far I've come.

Before, playing Dance Dance Revolution:

And After, taken last week by Aloha Guy. (And my hair's darker now, too!)


Unknown said...

Well you DO look fantastic. And you seem more vibrant, too, which matters most.

Vetmommy said...

That is AMAZING. I'm so impressed how you've kept it off. Go Em!

jman said...

You are definitely slimmer, but (and this comment is not directed at you but is more of a general comment on how society reinforces that slim = good and not so slim = bad) does that mean that when you were not as slim you didn't look fantastic too? The before photo is not a flattering one but not because you are heavier; it just isn't a flattering photo. I'm sure one could find an unflattering photo of you in your current slim state.

The important thing is to be happy with yourself and if losing weight makes you feel better about yourself then right on for you. More than the weight loss I think it's the self discipline that is giving you the inner satisfaction. The weight loss is merely evidence of it but it is not the source.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm..I think Jman has a point,Em.
but then again you always did look amazing (in the Genes you see) :)


Molly said...

On rare occasion, a show can actually motivate me.. I went from the biggest loser to the P90X infomercials and have lost 18 lbs in 8 weeks!

Emily said...

Sisters, thanks!

jman - My main objection to the before picture is how heavy I am. I wasn't healthy and wasn't happy with how I looked or felt. I'm definitely happier now.

A. Norma - I'm thankful for good genes!

Molly - congrats! (if you are a real person and not just advertising your dating service)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your success, it is quite inspiring. Aside from looking great and feeling great, one cannot forget the health benefits as a result of maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle. I guess the key here is 'maintaining' and since Loser is a seasonal show you obviously have shown the drive and dedication to continue the success during the off-season.

I for one, know this is not easy and it can be quite challenging. For whatever our motivation may be we need to do it for ourselves first and it appears that you have done that. This is a marathon you're on and not a sprint.

Great Job and Congrats!!! :-)

Unknown said...

Well done!You look great these days.