Wednesday, October 07, 2009


When I was little, I would get my mouth washed out with soap for lying. I can't remember what I lied about, but I probably was like most children who with wide-eyes and stumbling speech tell obvious outrageous untruths. My parents were consistent in their discipline, and I learned the lesson.

As adults, the lies we tell can have even greater consequences and impact those around us. I am very empathetic, and while I realize not everyone thinks that way, it bothers me when people aren't at least considerate and aware that their actions affect other people.

And then there are those who lie so deliberately, with the calculated intent to deceive, that it is nothing short of cruel.


Vetmommy said...

Yes, some of the lies you've been subjected to are of the most deceitful and treacherous kind. They make for good stories for me to tell my girlfriends over cocktails, but only because we would never want to be on the receiving end of that sucker punch. You are totally justified in your outrage.

jman said...

Did I miss something? Your comment wasn't some existential rage against man's inhumanity to man. So when will Paul Harvey tell us the rest of the story.

PS I always thought mouth washing was the punishment for swearing not lying. Either way it always struck me as a bizarre punishment. I am glad it didn't leave you with a lifelong aversion to soap!

Anonymous said...

Quite honestly, jman, I don't recall using the "technique" of washing out her mouth with soap that often -- maybe only once after many episodes of fibbing but even that once proved effective! There are many things parents do that they later regret but then must forgive themselves for because we did have the best of intentions. This is one!

I, too, wonder what this blog is all about??? Sounds awful!

Love, M (my word verif. is UNROO)

Anonymous said...

I too have only heard it was used for when a Child swore..I don't think it's used in Society today though. So Emily,what brought this about? and I honestly cannot see your Mom or Dad washing your mouth out with soap! yuck!perhaps it was a little fib or two? also how the heck did your Parent (whichever one it was) keep you still long enough to put the soap in your little mouth hahahahaha


Matthew said...

Ugh, yea I distinctly remember that taste of Ivory soap in my mouth on more than a few occasions. Though for me it was for accidentally cursing, not so much lying. I did tell some pretty ridiculous lies also, mostly to cover up for breaking stuff when I was kid.

Unfortunately, I think these habits carry over into adult hood for some people where they feel the need to lie all the time for some reason. I have one friend who lies about very trivial things that don't even matter. I don't understand it.

Of course, I've had a few fibs myself, but lately I've take the approach of complete transparency. Yea, always telling the truth can cause some near term grief, but in the long run it saves from a lot of pain.