Monday, April 11, 2005

3-4 inches is SIGNIFICANT, people

Since I don't have a man at home to torture with "Notice anything different?" I rely on my coworkers to notice when I change my hair.

My hairdresser was in the hospital for a couple months, so my hair has gotten REALLY long. I realize that most people don't notice the length once it's past your shoulders, unless it gets to the point where you're sitting on it. But my sisters did notice it was longer than usual.

So on Saturday, I had Daryl cut off 3-4 inches. It's still below my shoulders, but it looks so much healthier and bouncier. I enjoyed fixing it this morning, thinking about all the compliments I was sure to get at work.

I've been here for two one has said anything yet...

1 comment:

Vetmommy said...

Yeah, once your hair is past your shoulders, I guess percentage-wise, a coupla inches isn't noticed, by the general population. You know Steph and I would have noticed. The only haircut I've had noticed in recent memory was when I had 50% removed last May. Not planning a repeat anytime soon. So there ya go!