Monday, April 11, 2005

I'm Baaaaack

This weekend was the first weekend I was home after three weekends of travel. It felt SO good to be home! I slept late, got all my laundry done, ran all the errands I haven't had time for, scrubbed the bathroom, read a book, caught up on all my recorded TV was great.

Yesterday, I slept in until 10:30 (hoping this makes my sisters with toddlers really jealous!) and when I finally DID get up, I just moved to the couch, still in PJs, to read a book! Janet gave me this great read, The Devil Wears Prada, that was very entertaining. I started getting hungry and realized it was 2:00. Maybe I should get dressed? So I got dressed and defrosted some food that's been in my freezer for awhile and sat back down and finished the book! (I did do laundry while reading, too.)

Then I tackled the bathroom, which has been getting really gross. Now that it's clean, I'll admit that I haven't cleaned my shower since I broke up with Rod and had to fire his mom as my maid. (That was last June.) Pretty disgusting, I know. So it took a bit of scrubbing to get the soap scum off. I don't know why, but I had the song from Cinderella stuck in my head while cleaning the bathroom. "Cinderella! Cinderella! Night and day it's Cinderella!"

Then I cleaned out the freezer and fridge. In the freezer, I had two gallon ziplock bags of ice left over from the last party I threw. (When was that? Maybe August?) I decided I could get rid of this. If and when I have another party, ice is cheap, maybe $1 a bag? This leftover ice has taken up most of two shelves in my freezer for too long.

Last, I decided to actually cook. I haven't cooked in about three weeks, either. So I pulled out my recipe book to get ideas and make a grocery list. There are so many recipes in there that I've never made. I guess they looked good to me when I read them, so I clipped them out and stuck them in there. I decided on a chicken & rice dish, spinach quiche and a Cosmopolitan. For inspiration.

Now all my clothes are clean, I have fresh food in my fridge, and I'm ready for the week.

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