Sunday, April 03, 2005

Having kids of your own vs. enjoying others

Today I was a guest at my niece's 4-yr-old princess birthday party. It was very fun and chaotic, with lots of little girls dressed in their finest princess clothes.

I enjoyed talking to some of the parents. But I was surprised that one mom, after commenting on how nice it was that I'm involved in my nieces' and nephews' lives, asked me, "So when are you going to have kids?"

I paused for a minute and looked at her, thinking, are you serious? can't you see I'm here alone?

I just told her I'm still looking for the perfect sperm donor.

She thought I meant actually going to a sperm bank. I explained that I've been married before and I'm not so sure I want to be married again.

It's interesting how people feel like they can comment on your life. I know couples who have been married for many years, and they complain that everyone asks them when they're going to have kids. One couple I know don't want to have kids, but they don't feel they should have to explain themselves to acquaintances or perfect strangers, either.

I'm kinda enjoying my singlehood. It's fun to visit the kids here in Austin or in Houston, but it's also nice to go back to my quiet, orderly house and veg out in front of the tv with a nice glass of wine.

I also got to see the twins again at the party. Paige remembered me from last weekend. Most people would think, of course, but usually both Paige and Graham take a while to warm up to you. Paige actually reached for me a couple times at the party, and I got some great snuggles from her tonight. She's a sweetheart. I love all the hugs & kisses from these sweet little ones. Lack of affection is one of the few complaints I have about living alone. But my heart is full tonight.

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