Thursday, April 07, 2005

Battling the Bulge

I haven't posted in awhile... I've been really down and frustrated about my lack of weight loss. I had my annual check-up with my doc in December, and my weight was the highest ever. (Higher than my previous highest ever, which was so fortunately captured forever in my younger sister's wedding pictures.) My doc very tactfully said that although my BMI (body mass index: height & weight) isn't at the level where they consider it to cause health problems, I probably should lose a little. I told her I'm not happy with my weight and already had a plan to change it.

And so, I started cutting back on food intake and joined the gym. I've been diligently working out 4-5 times a week, a combination of aerobic and weight-lifting. I've never been much of an exerciser, and I really have stuck with it this time. I don't have a scale at my house, so I weigh myself at the gym once a week. I also planned on being able to notice the weight loss by how my clothes fit.

Only, there's been NO CHANGE. I'm so frustrated. My doctor and the trainer at the gym assume I'm eating on the sly, secretly consuming high calories in forbidden foods. Everyone has a suggestion, and I feel like no one believes me that I am doing the right things! I don't eat fried food, desserts, white flour items. I've cut way back on alcohol intake. I eat more fruits and vegetables, and my carbs are high fiber, whole wheat. I don't drink soda. I drink plenty of water. I only have one coffee a day, and only M-F.

My counselor suggested I try to focus on what I am thankful for regarding my body instead of bombarding it with negative criticism. Her suggestion reminded me of a woman I saw when I was in NY. While I was waiting for some friends outside a restaurant, a woman came shuffling by on her way to the grocery store. She was bent over at a 90* angle at the waist. Her legs were pretty deformed, too, and she didn't bend her knees but swung her legs from the hip. Her feet were angled in odd directions, too. Her shuffle was obviously hard won, and I thought how most people must see her with pity while she was probably proud of her accomplishment. And how fortunate I am to be able to walk with ease.


Unknown said...

Stay the course! Sounds like you are getting advice from all directions, wouldn't want you to miss out on some more! ha ha

So here's some online, unsolicited advice from the younger sister (doesn't that rank as like the most uninvited kind of advice?): Since you aren't fasting or purging the change might take longer -- you know this, I'm just reminding you -- and that is the healthy way to go about it. Also, make sure you are eating ENOUGH calories. Especially since you have increased your burn rate. If you are eating too few, your body will go into conservation mode and save what little you do eat as fat.

Vetmommy said...

I know you are struggling, but that was a very eloquent post.

You're doing all the right things. Your body and mind are getting healthier because of the healthy things you are doing. It will happen for you if you keep it up.