Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Running Away or Running Towards?

I haven't posted much lately, because I've been keeping quiet about something happening in my life...but I've been working on this post for over a year...

I heard Martha Beck speak at the O You Conference in San Francisco a couple years ago, and I was so impressed. I've always enjoyed her columns in the Oprah Magazine, but in person she was so much more! She's incredibly adept at making complex thinking seem attainable, and she's witty and downright funny.

One of her past columns was titled "Know When to Fold 'Em," in which she mentioned W.C. Fields's profound statement "If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it." The column discusses how researchers have compared those who resist quitting, and of those who throw in the towel when facing unattainable goals. They found that the second group—the quitters—were healthier than their persistent peers on almost every variable.

This gives me some comfort, because I've been struggling with the idea of "quitting."

Quitting New York.

Undoubtedly, there are things I love about New York: the variety in cultures, the lack of conformity to a single (or few) ideas, the four seasons, the multitude of cultural events (especially Broadway), feeling like I'm a part of this big machine called NYC, being close to the water (even if it is the not-so-transparent Hudson River), my little close-knit church and fledgling (although now on hiatus) choir...

But...it has been a pretty lonely existence for me here. Over the last three years, I've done all the tried-and-true methods to meet friends and potential dates. I've made a few friends, but NY has a culture of everyone being so busy, you don't see them but maybe once every few months. And I miss my family, especially the kids, my nieces and nephews.

As I recently celebrated another birthday, getting closer to having to change the title of this blog and hearing the biological clock ticking louder in its finale, I realize that if I don't have kids of my own, I at least want to be closer to those I do have in my life.

I started making inquiries with my company about the possibility of transferring, and I got full approval to move ahead with the transfer to the Austin office as soon as I'm ready. The only thing sticking point is subleasing my apartment, and that has happened MUCH faster than I expected.

I'm keeping my job AND getting to live closer to my family, able to be a more consistent presence in my nieces' and nephews' lives. And it also opens up other possibilities for me, such as owning a home, eating a lot more TexMex, participating (and completing) more triathlons, and possibly having a child on my own.

I moved to NYC for my career, and I've realized my career isn't the most important thing to me. I'm moving back to have a personal life.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter.


Julie said...

Great news buddy! This is going to be an exciting new chapter :) Can't wait to follow your adventures

Anonymous said...

So proud of you and all your accomplishments. You are definitely NOT a quitter but an Assessor and Changer to better achieve your life's journey to it's fullest.
I love you very much, Mom

grandad says said...

Yeah, me too!

Vetmommy said...

I am so proud of you, still, for moving to NYC. What an amazing experience. We are definitely looking forward to having you closer, though! "Its only fair!!"

jman said...

At the risk of sounding trite, life is all about choices and timing is everything. What seemed right then doesn't seem right now, but the important thing is you won't go through the remainder of your days wondering what if. Me, I'd vote for NYC every time, but I just noticed- you're not me. When pray tell, is this move meant to occur?

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I am SO happy for you! It sounds like the perfect decision for you. I wish you the very best with your new adventure.

Anonymous said...

Emily,I am so VERY happy for you..you needed to make this important move in your life (as I posted a while back) I am a little weepy now (with happiness) because I just know that this is the right thing for you to do..I love you,Em. very much. :)xxx


Anonymous said...

You are not a quitter. You should be proud of everything you have done. NY was truly an adventure and a lot of people are not that adventurous. I did the same thing - moved to NY for two years. I learned so much and am grateful for the experience. I also moved back home for family reasons. It's tough to be far away from your loved ones. I wish you the best on your new adventure!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on this new chapter of your life! I'm sorry that we weren't able to meet up while I was in New York, but I've got family in Texas, so I'm sure that I'll run into you again!

Emily said...

Julie: Thanks! Very excited.

Mom: Love you, too.

Dad/Grandad: Love YOU, too!

Vetmommy: I'm looking forward to it, too. No more missed recitals, plus the benefit of joining you and Susan for Bollywood dancing class!

jman: I'm moving July 10th. Wanna meet before I go?

Anonymous: thanks! And thanks for reading.

Aunty Norma: Thank you. I love you, too!

Anonymous #2: Thanks. Should be a fun adventure!

Manshopper: sorry I missed you on your recent trip, too. But you may see me again in Paris. I still have much to see there!

Laura said...

I think you're very lucky to have found a career that has allowed you the flexibility to move and keep your job... twice! I, for one, hope that some day I get back to TX, too!

jman said...

What's your e-mail address?

Traci N said...

Congrats on a tough decision! Change is not quitting. I like the WC Fields quote - need to apply that to my own life!

paula said...

Congratulations Em, am very very proud of you!!! XXXXXX

Unknown said...

I wanna go home with the armadillo...

Emily said...

Laura: The move to NYC was a new job, but yes, I feel very fortunate that my company is allowing me to do this.

jamn; It's get2emily[at]gmail[dot]com

Traci: Thanks!

Paula: Thank you for your long-distance support! Love you, too.

EdamameMommy/Steph: Exactly!