Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Swim Meet

When I was in Austin for the triathlon, I also got to see Anna and Colin at their swim meet. I saw them a year ago and could definitely see their progress this time. Colin even won a ribbon for winning his heat. Anna takes a ballerina approach to her strokes and executes them beautifully, if not quickly.

After the tri, Colin and I enjoyed taking it easy and reading. I was sitting in the chair with my book and he climbed in the space between me and the back of the chair. He's a cuddler. (I know the angle of this shot makes my knees look huge, but they aren't in reality and the picture captured a sweet moment.)


Unknown said...

Love the new whimsical format. Yeah!

Anonymous said...

wow! what a lovely background,Em. Love it! x


grandad says said...

Interesting. They stand in buckets of water because the ground is so hot.

müzik dinle said...

nice article =)

Emily said...

Yes, I decided the blog format needed a change! Glad you like it, Steph & Auntie Norma.

Dad/Grandad: Not really. They stand in buckets to clean the grass and mud off their feet.

Muzik dinle: thanks!