Thursday, March 25, 2010

Selfishness Has Its Limits

Last night, in the too-many-moments before I fell asleep, I realized another reason of why I'm ready for a relationship. I'm tired of just considering myself. While I realize there are benefits to being able to be selfish, it does get old. Sure, I get to choose what restaurant to eat at/order from, where I'll go on vacation or how to spend my money all by myself, but sometimes, it would be nice to have another person's opinion and perspective. Maybe I'm not sure WHAT I want to eat, and without inspiration I tend to fall back on the same restaurants or meals that I usually cook.

While a relationship requires compromise and inevitably brings conflict, I find myself a little bored with just me. Just one of those thoughts before dreamland.


jman said...

On the other hand you don't have to take one for the team either! Or find the toilet seat up in the middle of the night and you haven't turned the light on. And the remote has your name on it! There is some benefit to deciding when you've had enough of me time.

get2eric said...

I know what you mean. Mommy's been gone for two days and I'm tired of making all the decisions.
I do like driving without the sneering ridicule though.:-)

Anonymous said...

Hmm,I suppose one can get tired of oneself's company only,Em.I do like a break though..put housecoat on ....snaffle Crisps,Toffees etc.:)and as Jman posts the remote is ALL MINE!!:)

Aunty Norma.x

Anonymous said...

Interesting post from your Dad - "Sneering ridicle...!" I am back home and will have to watch out for that - from both sides, I FEAR!!!
Love, M

Joe said...

I'd like to switch places with you just for a few weeks.
