Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Guy

Wow, seven comments on my last post! Okay, so now that you're here...

I've been seeing Oscar for a few weeks. I've been reluctant to mention him previously because he's significantly younger than me! However, he is a mature, responsible, socially adept guy, and we've been having fun just hanging out and enjoying good meals together.

I met him at my current favorite fancy restaurant. He is a waiter there, and after seeing him twice, I gave him my card. He called, and we've been getting together once or twice a week since then. He's originally from Mexico, so he's been helping me with my Spanish and introducing me to restaurants around town that I didn't know about.

Last Friday, he took me salsa dancing! It was a blast. The music was SO SO loud, and if we go back, I will definitely bring ear plugs! The place was just buzzing with energy, and people were packed onto the dance floor. Others just danced wherever they were in the club, next to the bar or in an unofficial walkway. Oscar claimed he's not a great dancer, but he was very good. I had a difficult time keeping up!


Unknown said...

dining dancing and romance...ah the dating life at its best!

Vetmommy said...

Yeah, Oscar sounds like the right hombre for right now...

Anonymous said...

A man's skill on the dance floor is indicative. Apparently.

And significantly younger? Pah. Who cares, so long as it's legal? (It's legal, right..?)

Emily said...

YES, it's legal! LOL

Anonymous said...

Good, good. Just checkin'. ;)

paula said...

Wow, sounds like a lot of fun.... I too had heard that how a man dances is indicative ...... go get him Tiger!!! XX