Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Too Much Tuna

Yesterday, Steve went to his doctor, who diagnosed his bout as scombroid poisoning. Named for the Scombridae family of fish -- mainly tuna and mackerel -- it is a type of food intoxication caused by the consumption of these fish species that have begun to spoil with the growth of particular types of food bacteria. Symptoms can occur within minutes to 2 hours of injestion. Since we did eat quite a bit of tuna at our sushi dinner on Friday, this is the likely culprit. When Steve queried why I hadn't also gotten sick, he said each person's immune system responds uniquely at different times, and I must have had a stronger immune response at that time.

While he was doing that, I was travelling for 10 hours (up and back) for a 2 hour meeting in Philly. Seems a bit much, I know, but we learned today that we won that business! Unfortunately, that means I'm due back there next Monday, and tomorrow I'm headed to Atlanta for yet another new business pitch.


Unknown said...

So...where'd you get this scommie tuna? Yuck. What's the detox program for that? Glad you have a culprit, but sounds fishy to me (sorry I can't help myself)

Anonymous said...

Was this the first time he'd seen that Dr since the bout?
I am wondering how the Doc made the diagnosis if he didn't have some evidence.

Anonymous said...

!!! Me too,Eric!! Poor Steve.

paula said...


Anonymous said...

To EdamameMommy's point, it sounds fishy to me too. The doctor based is conclusion on the description I provided. I still do not feel 100% but I do feel much better than Friday and Saturday. If I am not 100% by tomorrow morning I will be back in his office and will probably go for a second opinion.


Vetmommy said...

I hope the true culprit is "caught" soon, or at least that you are no longer feeling green around the gills, Steve. (Oh, I am so punny!)